Scrapped the whole idea of working with canvas because I have no paint for it. Decided to do my portrait on A3 paper instead. So here is roughly what I did:
Started out with a rough sketch.
Darken the lines and added the flowers, just so
I can estimate how the mouth should be and the
final image would look like.
More details added to the hair plus some slight shading.
Erased the flowers and finalized the mouth.
Cut a hole at the mouth so I
could stick my
flowers in.
(insert final image)
Flowers in. Mounted.
My first "actually" presentation in months and I would like to think that it went well. It was a short presentation so I didn't really get to say all I wanted to say nor did I have the opportunity to explain the concept of my piece. Fortunately, I can blog about it! The idea is, there is a tap on her head (it's weird to refer it to my head, even if it is a self-portrait), where our brain is at. By turning the tap, it a basically a representation of us putting on our thinking caps to come up of solutions and ideas. What flows out in the portrait are flowers because I like flowers and I want to be a designer who can come up with beautiful, practical things.
Back to the presentation, it went better than I expected. The only spoken criticism was the lack of colour in my piece which I totally agree on. That's about it.
Assignment one: check!