
Friday, September 6, 2013

Picture perfect;

Subject matter: Principles of Design

Description: Unity and variety, Balance, Scale and proportion, Dominance, Rhythm sums up the most basic principles of design. It is the grammar for Design. It's importance should be right along The Holy Bible, The Kabbalah, Sutras, The Torah, The Koran for designers. How well we apply them (or break them) will determine the successfulness of our composition and only successful composition can convey the intended message. Which is basically the whole point.

Conclusion: This is very important.

Subject matter: The Rule of Thirds

Description: Also known as the golden rule/rule of thumb in composition. The whole idea is to imagine two equally spaced horizontal lines and two equally spaced vertical lines in an image, dividing it into nice sections of equal size. The most important elements of the composition should fall along those lines to create a more tension, energy and interest, and thus a more eye-catching piece.

Conclusion: This is also very important.

Assignment two: Cut a 9 x 12 frame out of a mounting board and use it as a "view-finder." Take 50 photos of the same subject but different variety with the help of the view-finder. Use those images to create a video to show your understanding.